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Communty Schools | HPA PAthways

Why Community Schools Matter

The California Department of Education (CDE) defines Community Schools as an integrated approach to education that brings together academic, health, and social services to support students, families, and educators.

  • Increase student engagement & prevent dropouts
  • Provide essential support services for vulnerable youth (foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, parenting students, etc.)
  • Enhance social-emotional learning (SEL) & mental health support
  • Improve academic outcomes & school attendance
  • Reduce involvement in the juvenile justice system

A Partnership that Matters for Students

Want to see how HPA can support your school or district?

Let’s discuss your specific needs and how we can customize a Community Schools-aligned program for your students. Fill out the form and our team will get in touch with you.


Community Schools in Action


Lunchtime Support & Noon Leagues

  • Structured Activities: Provides organized sports and activities during recess and lunch to keep students engaged and active
  • Noon League: A structured lunchtime sports program for 3rd-6th graders, emphasizing physical activity, leadership, and teamwork.

  • Seasonal & Inclusive: Games align with sports seasons, offering an engaging and inclusive environment for all students.

After-School Program

  • Diverse Offerings: Includes soccer, basketball, flag football, volleyball, softball, floor hockey, track and field, Esports, STEM sports, dodgeball, kickball, obstacle courses, and relay games.
  • Rotational Structure: Allows for maximum student participation, ensuring all students get the opportunity to engage in activities.


  • Equitable & Culturally Responsive: Integrates physical education with real-world learning, reflecting students’ identities, cultures, and lived experiences to foster an inclusive and empowering environment.

Saturday Enrichment Days

  • Multi-Activity Approach: Includes skill stations, small-sided games, and STEM activities to blend academics with physical activity.
  • Competitive & inclusive Noon Leagues designed to increase physical activity and engagement.


  • Purpose-Driven Programs: Focuses on literacy, math, and physical movement to create meaningful learning experiences outside of school hours.

Recommendations for Schools & Partners

Leverage ELOP & 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Funding

Maximize Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) and 21st CCLC funding to develop and sustain the four pillars of the Community Schools model.

Expand Learning Opportunities with Afterschool & Saturday Programs

Community Schools can sustain afterschool and weekend learning by integrating structured enrichment, sports, and SEL-based programs. Across California, successful Community Schools have made afterschool and summer learning partnerships a key component of their model.

Enhance Your Existing Afterschool Program

If your school already runs afterschool programming, consider using Community Schools funding to support noon leagues and Saturday activities with HPA Pathways services.


Diversify Funding for Long-Term Impact

Community Schools can combine multiple funding sources—including ELOP, ASES, 21st CCLC, state/federal grants, and philanthropic partnerships—to create sustainable, high-quality programs.


2025-30 California Community Schools Partnership Program: Implementation Grant



The California Department of Education (CDE) supports Community Schools through:

🏫 County Community School Base Revenue (for students referred by SARB, probation, or juvenile court)
📚 Juvenile Court School Rate (for court-involved youth and students at risk)
Minimum Instructional Time: Schools must provide at least 240 minutes of instruction per day for full-time students and 180 minutes for vocational/work experience programs.


A Community School is more than just a place for learning—it’s a hub of support, resources, and opportunity for students, families, and educators.

By integrating academics, wellness services, and community partnerships, Community Schools remove barriers to learning and create equitable opportunities for student success. These schools provide:

Whole-Child Support: Mental health services, social-emotional learning, and restorative justice practices.
Extended Learning & Enrichment: Programs beyond the school day, including afterschool activities, sports, and family engagement.
Integrated Support Services: Access to counselors, social workers, and healthcare professionals.
Shared Leadership & Decision-Making: Schools, families, and communities working together to shape education.


California Community Schools Framework

In addition to the four programmatic features, the California State Board of Education approved the California Community Schools Framework during their January 2022 meeting. This Framework guides the design and implementation strategies for the CCSPP.